Monday 9 March 2015

Blog Neglect

I've moved house and changed job and just generally had a busy time recently. Hence the blog neglect. However, I haven't stopped sewing! I'll try and catch up a bit. I've invested in Drape Drape by Hisako Sato purely for dress no. 3. I wanted to make it for my dad's wedding last November. The first version was very short and just generally a bit small even though I made the largest size. I lengthened it at the waist and made the arm holes bigger. It was suprisingly easy to adjust and the second dress was a perfect fit.
The material is a thin jersey I found cheap in my local material shop. I thought it fitted with the woodland theme of the wedding well. It was perhaps a little thin for a november wedding but i survived. 
(appologies for the photos, it's raining outside so they're rubbishy indoors ones)

2nd attempt: I've lowered the neckline and waistline and made the armholes bigger

My first attempt. Too short and just generally a bit small

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Me Made May '14: round up

My final day of me made may was spent in shorts which I finished just in time. They were from a sewaholic pattern and fit perfectly. The THURLOW pattern that I used is really clearly explained and I managed 2 pretty good welt pockets which is a first for me. The pattern has a back extension so you can fit the pattern to your bum. I'm so pleased with the result I've worn them pretty much everyday since I made them. However I haven't taken one picture yet. I'll do it soon I promise. 
Overall I really enjoyed doing me made may. I enjoyed taking pictures more than I thought I would and i feel like i've found the gaps in my wardrobe that need filling with lovely me made clothes. The most outstanding area was i don't own anything to go running in so sports wear is evidently my next challenge. It was fun seeing how everyone else who was blogging about it was getting on. Generally it was all good!
In other news I finally finished a bra i've been putting off finishing because I thought it wouldn't fit. However, it does :-)
Need to work on my stitching and find somewhere to get appropriate components but it's comfy.


Friday 30 May 2014

Me Made May '14: Day 30

It's this skirt again today. comfy and suitable for meeting your mum in the pub. Yesterday started well with my shirt dress but after an hour of walking the dog in the rain a full clothes change was needed. Back into my pyjamas i went with some me made knickers on. No photos i'm afraid but this is the pants pattern i used, it's very good and free!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Me Made May '14: Day 28

Cutting out my new shorts pattern wearing my shirt dress from a vintage charity shop pattern. It's Quick! Butterick No:6519 with bonus Time-saving shortcut. I don't specifically remember the time-saving shortcut. I normally wear it for cycling as it's cool and dries quickly, i'm not such a fan of lycra so i'm trying to develop an alternative cycling wardrobe.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Me Made May '14: Day 26 + 27

Yesterday was a blue shorts day for hula hooping in the park. I work this dress today which is another pattern from 'Stylish Dress Book: Clothing for everyday wear'. It's Dress B and it was the first thing i made from the book. i made it in size large and it's massive so i added the tie at the back to make it less tent like. The material is the wrong side of some mis-printed burberry that was going cheap at my local material shop. I like wearing it because it makes me feel all girly.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Me Made May '14: Day 24 + 25

I love this material and i think whatever i had made out of it would have been nice. This skirt is from the same pattern as friday, simplicity pattern 1887. It's a good allrounder of a pattern for shorts, trousers and a skirt. Yesterday was a me made pants day. There were other clothes involved but only my uniform and running clothes, boring.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Me Made May '14: Day 23

Wore my green trousers for a post thunderstorm dog walk. Wellies feature fairly highly in my daily outfits because they are the best dog walking shoes ever. These trousers are from simplicity pattern 1887. They are made from the same material as yesterday's top and i found the material in the bargain area at my local material shop. A very pleasing find.